The content on this website is for information purposes and can not be copied or republish in any shape of form the material on this site, without permission. All materials within this site is Copyrighted by, Jesoon Pty. Ltd. and Dr Steven Tracy.
All contact through either our email server or other means is treated strictly confidential and all information you provide to use is not shared with other parties, except in referral to another dental professional at your consent. We respect your rights and will preserve your confidentiality to our best ability.
The photos depicted in the Gallery are before and after images of dental treatments that have been performed, at this clinic or a clinic that we have an affiliation with in a professional respect. The photos are for informational purposes and are a true account of the level of success attained by the described treatments. However, each person’s body is different and so the response to treatment is also different, so please be aware that treatment may vary with different people and with individual problems.
All photos displayed in the Gallery are from patients who have signed a consent form for publishing. Patients that do not wish to have their photos displayed are accorded complete privacy in this regard.
In regards to legal issues relating to the use of this website; please contact us through our 'contact us' page using email.
We do not authorise the addition of our email address to any mailing list or bulk marketing company, without our permission. If you wish to exchange linking with us please contact us with the nature of this linking.
If you have further questions about website usage or other clinic privacy infomation or general privacy or terms please go to the 'contact us' page for our mailing address. We will accept mailed material of this kind. If you require returned material please include a mailing address and perferrably a SASE.